Friday, July 4, 2008

Proud of My Country

"For the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

When Michelle Obama uttered those words, I felt her. I mean REALLY! I always imagined that at some point in my lifetime, we would have a serious black candidate for President, but I always assumed I would be an old man. I never thought it would happen this soon.

Like many black people, I have always been appreciative of the opportunities afforded me in this country. I have always been clear that i could not have the life I have in any other country (theoretically, at least). But there was always still a feeling of being an outsider, an uninvited guest grudgingly welcomed to the table who is told to make yourself at home, but to whom the unspoken message is "Don't get TOO comfortable."

And there we have it, to be proud, to fully embrace the red, white and blue is to be completely and totally comfortable with everything about this country, warts and all. It's the difference between owning and renting. Its a different level of responsibility because not only are you sitting at the dinner table, you built the table. Yes, you know the roof leaks and faucet drips, but its yours, you own it. So you love it, you show it off to your neighbors. You are proud of it.

I feel you Michelle, and for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of this country as well.

Happy Birthday, America!


Bro. KG said...

I love your comments in "Proud of My Country"

Anonymous said...

I feel you and Michelle "First Lady" Obama. Not to say that every American is happy with this turn of events, but the fact that it IS happening is truly remarkable. It's about time, truthfully! But let's not forget Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson and even Lenora Fulani, who as far as I am concerned, made Obama's success possible.

Now when an openly same-gender- loving person can be a major party candidate, then we will have arrived...