Saturday, February 20, 2010


Yesterday, the world paused. Not to hear the President make an announcement, or because of some local or national emergency. No, the world paused to listen to Tiger Woods apologize for his affairs with every cocktail waitress in the United States. Thing is, while Tiger Woods certainly owes an apology to his wife and children, and maybe his mother, he doesn't owe me or anyone to whom he is not related or whom he has not fucked, an apology.

First, apologies, especially those made in these big public forums are typically self-serving. Chris Brown only apologized when those pictures of Rihanna's beat-up face were plastered all over. He only apologized because it looked like his career was in the tank.

Second, unless you show REAL emotion, it only makes matters worse. Remember when Jimmy Swaggert got caught with that prostitute. His "I Have Sinned" speech, regardless of how you felt about the man, his ministries, or his motives, was certainly heartfelt and sincere. Contrast once again to Chris Brown (sorry to keep beating up on him, pun intended), whose deadpan apology was most notable for his fashion choice and not his words. The bowtie was not a good look.

Lastly, I, and most of you were hurt by Tiger's actions. Tiger didn't fuck or fuck over any of us. The only reason for this whole episode is that in this celebrity-based culture, people take personal ownership and develop a familiarity and intimacy based on nothing more substantial than seeing that person on a screen.


Why the hell did Tiger get married. Its not like he is some 60-year-old dude, who fucked all these women over the course of a lifetime. He hooked up with all these chicks in the last 7 years, while he was meeting, courting, marrying and having children with his wife. I am not judging his sexual appetites, but his judgement in getting married. If you want to fuck around, stay single and fuck every bitch in creation. It's just stupid to get married and keep fucking at the Olympic level like Tiger did. Someone is going to turn up pregnant or blab to the media or both.

--- PRESS PLAY ---

Now who DOES owe us an apology? John Edwards! Can you imagine the mess we would be in was found to be the father of an out-of-wedlock child that he fathered while his wife, now the First Lady, was battling breast cancer. We would be FUCKED! He owes an apology to those who believed in him, who worked for and with him and fell for his okie doke! Bastard!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I have had someone living with me, sleeping in my bed since September 1 and I don't think most of my friends know it. In the beginning, I didn't mention it because I didn't want to jinx the relationship, but now, well, not sure why. Maybe I'll figure it out as I am writing.

I met him in August, right before my cruise. We went out and had dinner and fooled around in the backseat of my car. After my cruise, we picked up right where we left off and I was feeling good.

He was going through some roommate drama, and so I told him he could move in for a minute in September. I had the extra room so it wasn't that big a deal to me at the time, as I assumed he would be moving out by the end of October at the latest.

It's funny how much you find out about someone when you live with them. Like how another person's sleep patterns and habits can totally annoy you. Like how someone ability to be comfortable in a filthy bathroom can piss you off (it's not like I am a neat freak, but I'M SAYIN!!!). And it's funny how all the things that annoy you about a person annoy you so much more when you aren't having sex regularly.

And there we have it, I am living with a guy who likes to sleep in my bed, and who says he finds me attractive, but who doesn't like to fuck. I have not really made this a big issue because I don't want to make it seem like he has give up the ass in exchange for a roof over his head, but in a way, he does! I know if someone let me live with them totally for free, the least I could do is have sex with him regularly, with a 3-4 times weekly dick sucking as a minimum.

All kidding aside, when you aren't having regular intimacy, that builds feelings of resentment and being used, so that even on the rare (very rare) occasions when the other person wants to do it, they get pushed away. Its like, oh now that you are in the mood, I am supposed to drop everything and perform.

Anyhoo, I decided that I wasn't going to do anything for him for Valentine's or even make any mention of it to him. So far, neither has he.

Back in January, I told him, as nicely as possible, that he needed to be out by March 1. Stay tuned to this blog to see how that goes.

Happy Valentine's Day, suckas!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

They're HUGE in Europe

For anyone who has been watching the pathetic attempt by the surviving Jackson brothers to milk the death of their beloved and much more talented brother Michael, you know that for at least one episode, Tito was pimping his children and trying to convince them that the time was ripe to release a new album.

Tito's children, Tariano, Taryll and TJ, were known in the mid-90s as 3T, a trio of tight-bodied, light-skinn'ded young brothas (all with serious cases of gayface) who could sort-of sing. According to Tito, everytime he goes to Europe, he is inundated with questions about when 3T is going to release another CD.

Unfortunately, the tite and toned teen trio is no more. In their place is a trio of slightly balding and a little pudgy late-20 and 30-somethings. That said, I would still hit it with a glittery single white glove.

Now lets all pinch our nipples together with this walk down memory lane...

I'm back bitches!

Yes, I have been away for awhile. Nothing crazy, just working and such. But I promise to post more regularly from now on.

Here in DC, we have been trapped under a one two punch of snow. First we got 30 inches over the weekend, then 2 days later, we got another 12. I spent 8 days in the house and today was my first time out of the house. It's good to be back among the living.