Monday, February 2, 2009

Craig's List Foolishness

Guy who mugged me Sunday night - m4m - 26 (Jones and West St)
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2009-01-29, 3:09PM EST
I really thought your thuggish look was hot. Even though you took my wallet, which sorry bro it had no money in it, I thought about how hot it would be to play this scene again in my place, and you make me suck you off.
Tell me the name on my driver license so I know it's you!

Montgomery County Courthouse - m4m
Reply to: [?]
Date: 2009-01-23, 3:55PM EST
You were coming in as I was leaving. You had on a jumpsuit and cuffs, but I know you would have looked better without them! You seemed so sweet when we made eye contact. I've never done this before, but I MUST find you. 

Is dick worth all of that?


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Is this for real?!?

Pharoah said...

LOL...guess it depends on the dick? Maybe these were golden!
LOL OMG, what if it was the same he got caught for the mugging of 1 person and was in the courthouse/police station being seen by the other!