This is the mos ridiculous shit I have ever seen or heard of.
What the hell is being delivered from the bondage of masturbation? There is NO SUCH THING!!! There is nothing wrong with masturbation. The only situation I can imagine where one might be in bondage to masturbation is if you can't stop doing it, or if you do it at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places. Even then, the problem is sexual compulsion and not the act itself.
I am disgusted by the fact that this group is wrapping itself in hip hop vernacular in an attempt to be cool. Masturbation is a perfectly natural expression of human sexuality. Just because one doesn't shout about it from the rooftops doesn't mean it's bad or wrong. We don't all talk about our bowle movements, but there is nothing wrong with having them.
And speaking of bondage, the narrator needs to be delivered from bad grammar.
We must deliver ourselves from the bondage of ignorance.
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