I was watching Living Lohan, the atrocious show featuring Lindsay Lohan's less talented sister (Ali), older and younger brothers (Mike and Cody) and mother (Dina). First off, Dina Lohan's face is a science project. Her nose has odd lumps and bumps and there is an overall piggish quality, but I digress.
Ali Lohan wants to be a singer so the whole family shleps off to Vegas. While Dina and Cody are off enjoying a day in Vegas, including a private meeting with a magician and the wax museum, Ali is laying down tracks for her new record. Now, Ali is a better singer than William Hung, but that is the VERY definition of damning with faint praise. Seriously, her voice sucks but in a world where Rihanna and Britney Spears are considered singers, what more can you expect. Well, Ali is frustrated because after a day in the studio, she knows her voice sucks ass,despite the engineers and producers assurances to the contrary. As her mother is recounting their day, Ali whines about how hard it is, and how she never gets to have any fun. In a rare example of good parenting, Dina reminds her that this whole singing thing was HER choice and that it takes work.
Earlier in the week, I was watching Baby Borrowers (ok, I'm off work this week, so I have alot of free time). In this gem, teen couples have to take care of a baby for THREE days. Yes, I will admit that its difficult to take care of babies when they are your own. Add to the mix the fact that these teenagers aren't familiar with the baby's habits and routine, but after 24 hours, you would have thought that they were being waterboarded or something. More than one of them said they didn't want to participate anymore.
What the hell is wrong with these kids? Don't they have any sense of responsibility or stick-to-it-iveness? In both cases, they had dealt with conflict or difficulty for less than 24 hours and here we go with the tears and the whining. I hate to sound like an old man, but these young people are soft. In my day, we walked to school uphill both ways, through 4 feet of snow.
1 comment:
Hey Brian, congrats on the blog, and yeah, you may be arrogant to believe that one or two might give a damn about your thoughts, but then my comment would prove you right. But I digress (grin)...
As to Generation Whine: I disagree with your perspective, somewhat. Yes, kids whine, especially teenagers. Though we may be loathe to admit it, you and I probably whined as well during that age. That's the thing about teens, they're changing physically and socially and don't always know how to deal with those changes. And people know this, that's why the age of adulthood begins at 18.
That's why Dina had to wear the Mom hat to put her daughter in check. That's why The Baby Borrowers is so important, to show these teens that because of where they are in life, they're NOT ready for parenthood.
So, Brian, stop whining (big grin) about these teens. They are who they are. And they officially become wimps if they're whining after age 18...
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