To the surprise of fives of tens of people, Ricky Martin came clean and admitted to Living La Vida Pinga! And with that, Senorita Martin joins a number of famous geighs who have come out of the closet to the surprise of no one.
Finally, someone comes out of the closet that I actually want to fuck motorboat spank meet. Lord knows I wasn't interested in Gayken (Clay Aiken), although I WOULD dip my dick in Lance Bass' honeypot if he hit on me at the bathhouse, and I would tell everyone although I would't tell anyone.
One could argue that he should have come out earlier. He could have helped many young people who were confused in their sexuality. But like Gayken and Bass and many others before him, he says he was afraid it would hurt his career. Alright gurls, let's keep it real.
I think its HILARIOUS that while you were shaking your ass and collecting those checks and all those young (and not so young in Gayken's case) girls were screaming for you, you really wanted to be the one screaming as you lowered your quivering hole onto the waiting dick of your big black bodyguard who looks exactly like Michael Clark Duncan. But let's be real, you only came out when the girls stopped screaming and the checks dried up. Let's not pretend like you had some huge epiphany and wanted to "be honest with yourself". Frankly, you came out when no one really gave a shit anymore.
Sean Hayes, I'm giving you the side eye here, Miss Honey!
Keep it real bitches!