The wise and wonderful Miss Coco Peru once said something to the effect that men who complain the loudest about men who suck dick, suck dick. So it shouldn't really come as a shock that at least 3 men have accused Pastor Eddie Long of sexual abuse. Long, whose history of anti-gay rhetoric is so virulent that some veteran civil rights figures refused to attend Coretta Scott King's funeral when it was held at his mega-church in suburban Atlanta.
In the interest of fairness, let's look at both sides of the case. First off, the plaintiff's all brough civil suits, not criminal suits, which says to me that they don't have that kind of compelling evidence, such as a rape kit, or other physical evidence (think Monica Lewinsky and soiled dresses). So since they brought civil suit, they are seeking financial compensation for the real or imagined wrongs they suffered. Wrongs such as having an old brotha take you on lavish trips around the world, buy you a car and all other maneer of excess, all in exchange for the pleasure of sucking your dick. The horrror!
On the other side, we have Pastor Long (I can't with the "Bishop") who, if the allegations are true, spent the day railing against the sins of homosexuality, but always had at least one kept boy on the side for sexual pleasure. And while we certainly don't have an cum-stained dresses, we have these instead:
These pictures were supposedly emailed or texted to one or more of the plaintiffs. While it's not exactly a dick shot,
at a minimum its inappropriate. Can you imagine your phone buzzing and you open your phone to a picture of your pastor in his tightest, gayest muscle shirt?
I will be interested in seeing how this plays out, because I GUARANTEE YOU that although there are 3 plaintiffs now, there are several others in the wings. If Pastor Long settles out of court, his church and many others, including me, will see it as an admission of guilt. If he goes to trial and declares his innocence under oath, those others will come out of the woodwork, including those tragic queens he almost certainly deluded into thinking they were the only one he had a spiritual relationship with.
More to come...